> One thing we should consider is the fact that not everyone will be using
> the
> same version of the source. If a message changes and we move the page, the
> old
> message could still be out there but have no explanation. If old wiki pages
> live forever that may start to get crowded.

Good point... so if a message changes, we probably want to just add a new
link to the same page, not copy or move the existing page.

One mitigating factor will be that I expect most message updates would be to
make the message to be more descriptive or informative, but if we can put
the additional detail on the wiki page instead then perhaps updating the
message itself will be less necessary.

The one case where that might not be true is if we update the message to
print additional run-specific information about the error cause (e.g.,
values of variables); you could think of designing the hash in such a way
that minor changes wouldn't disturb it (e.g., strip out all the %s/%d codes
before hashing, only hash the first N characters or up to the first colon,
or something like that), but (1) it'd probably be hard to find something
that works universally and (2) I feel like we're starting to overengineer
this idea.

We should also start the practice of listing all the error message(s) right
at the top of the wiki page as a consistency check.  This would also let us
handle hash collisions (if any) just by having separate sections on the same

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