> The changes I pushed already mostly fix condition codes on existing
> instructions, plus rotates by more than the width of the target, plus
> a few minor fixes to multiply related microops. Moving forward in the
> short term, division instructions aren't getting the answers they
> should, and the test has a form of shift that shift one register out
> while shifting another one in that I don't have implemented. After
> that, I'm going to need to figure out how I want the various forms of
> FP instructions to work, aka microcoded or not, if so broken down how,
> how the register management will work, etc. Then I'd need to go in and
> implement a bunch of instructions. After that, there are sections of
> the test I commented out because I either suspect or know they won't
> work currently, perhaps because I'm using SE mode. I'd like to look at
> those more carefully and turn on the ones that are useful. There will
> potentially be things in there that are broken, and also things that
> are just incomplete or missing entirely.

I'd like to point out to people that use m5 that this sounds like a
point where some assistance on x86 could really accelerate things.
While there will be some hard problems to solve I'm sure, I believe
that people could help out in fleshing out the instruction set without
a huge learning curve.

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