Joel, I have pushed in the patch the removes the options trace-help and trace-flags. But trace-start and trace-file work as before. You can use them in conjunction with debug-flags.


On Fri, 6 May 2011, Nilay Vaish wrote:

I was thinking og doing it since Nate is not around. I'll do it soon.


On Fri, 6 May 2011, Joel Hestness wrote:

Hey Nilay,
 It looks like the tracing ("debug") functionality is now working again,
but the M5 help message is still incorrect (and extremely misleading).  For
instance, "trace-flags", and "trace-file" are still accepted, but they don't
do anything now.  They should be eliminated from the message.  We're also
missing the equivalent of "trace-start" and "trace-file".  Do you mind
cleaning that up?

PS.  I haven't followed the tracing/debugging thread closely enough, but it
seems like "trace" and "debug" should be different things (though they are
currently implemented as the same thing).  Is there a reason why we moved
over to "debug"?

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