I hope you will be using online BDI compression file. I think you should
modify cache.cc file to use BDI. I could not understand how have you
modified BeseSetAssoc file to accommodate BDI compression.
Furthermore, i think sometimes little changed results are also possible in
same experiments.

On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 12:50 PM Pooneh Safayenikoo <poneh.saf...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I want to apply BDI compression on the L2 cache. So, I changed the config
> file for the caches (gem5/configs/common/Caches.py) like following:
> class L1Cache(Cache):
>     tags = BaseSetAssoc()
>     compressor = NULL
> class L2Cache(Cache):
>     tags = CompressedTags()
>     compressor = BDI()
> After that, I got the results for some SPEC benchmarks (I used a
> configuration like BDI paper) to compare the L2 miss rate between this
> compression and baseline (without applying BDI and CompressedTags).
> But, miss rate increases a little for some benchmarks (like mcf and bzip).
> Why BDI has higher L2 miss rate? I cannot make sense of it.
> Many thanks for any help!
> Best,
> Pooneh
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