Hello Pooneh,
You can check papers that discuss turning on and off compression (among 
others), for common explanations of the negative influence of compression in 
some workloads. Here is an extract of one of my simulation results both for mcf 
and geo mean of all SPEC 2017 benchmarks:
BDI on L3
0.309029         # IPC: Instructions Per Cycle - 505.mcf_r
0.829107         # IPC: Instructions Per Cycle - Geo mean

    0.310797         # IPC: Instructions Per Cycle - 
 0.823940         # IPC: Instructions Per Cycle  - Geo mean

As you can see, even though compression has a negative impact on the IPC in 
mcf, overall it can generate improvements (similar results are seen for the 
miss rate).

    Em quarta-feira, 22 de maio de 2019 05:50:22 GMT+2, Pooneh Safayenikoo 
<poneh.saf...@gmail.com> escreveu:  
I want to apply BDI compression on the L2 cache. So, I changed the config file 
for the caches (gem5/configs/common/Caches.py) like following:
class L1Cache(Cache):
    tags = BaseSetAssoc()
    compressor = NULL
class L2Cache(Cache):
    tags = CompressedTags()
    compressor = BDI()
After that, I got the results for some SPEC benchmarks (I used a configuration 
like BDI paper) to compare the L2 miss rate between this compression and 
baseline (without applying BDI and CompressedTags). But, miss rate increases a 
little for some benchmarks (like mcf and bzip). Why BDI has higher L2 miss 
rate? I cannot make sense of it.
Many thanks for any help!

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