Dear Soonwon,
 I had used McPAT v1.3. Specifically, you can do the following:
 1) git clone
 2) cd cMcPAT/mcpat

 3) make all
 4) cd cMcPAT/Scripts (here you can see the
Usage: [options] <gem5 stats file> <gem5 config file (json)> <mcpat template xml file> -o <output xml file>
Example $GEM5/m5out/stats.txt $GEM5/m5out/config.json cMcPAT/mcpat/ProcessorDescriptionFiles/ARM_AtomicSimpleCPU_template.xml -o cMcPAT/mcpatNode.xml
To be noticed to replace the correct of the above paths and the mcpatNode.xml will be produced.

5) Run McPAT using the mcpatNode.xml from step 4: cMcPAT/mcpat/mcpat -infile cMcPAT/mcpatNode.xml -print_level 1 > cMcPAT/mcpatOutput.txt
 You may use print_level from 1 to 5 (more detailed output).

In the above example I have used a generic ARM_AtomicSimpleCPU_template.xml an I tested using the latest gem5 version (v22.1). You may change it according your ARM processor.

 Best regards,

Quoting 최순원 via gem5-users <>:

Hello, I read your question, “RISCV Power/Energy Estimation”.

I’m sorry because It is not a answer to your question.

You said that “I got power/energy estimations of ARM and X86 ISAs through McPAT.”.
I want to measure a ARM core’s power consumption.
I got the gem5 simulations results, “stats.txt”, but I can’t see the power consumption of cpu.

Can you tell me how you got the CPU power consumption?

Best regards,
Soonwon Choi[1]

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