
of course, says feedback should go
in the beta forum rather than the general forum, so technically we are
off on the wrong foot.

I agree that the install instructions for OSX do not seem adequate.

I am using OSX Yosemite, and once I had dragged j64-804 to my home
directory, and verified that jconsole would work, I stalled:

(*) jqt would shut down silently immediately on selecting "Open" from
the green J's icon (I think the first time I tried it I got a "this
has been downloaded, are you sure?" message).
(*) jhs and jbrk have no "Open" option.
(*) jcon's icon, when I use it gives me: "jconsole" can't be opened
because CoreServicesUIAgent is not allowed to open documents in

I then ran the "" script, which required my password. After
doing so, the "Open" option vanished from the green J icon's menu.
But, jhs and jbrk then had open menu options which did not work.

But after that, jhs worked.  (Or at least, jhs.command brought up a
command window which complained about the socket being in use - after
I shut down the j803 jhs instance, jhs 804 worked fine).

But now the "Open" option has vanished from jbrk.

I would guess that this level of quirkiness reflects internal
conflicts in Apple's software. I can hope that we can come up with a
consistent and simple approach for dealing with whatever is happening
here, but I am not confident right now in the repeatability of any of

That said, from the command line, at this point, in Terminal, this
happens consistently:

$ open ~/j64-804/
LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file

I can also open from Terminal without issue - it's only from
the gui that it fails.

I hope this helps. (And I apologize for not sending a copy of this to jbeta.)



On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 1:07 PM, Brian Schott <> wrote:
> I have had some serious frustration installing J804, even in the "default"
> location. My installation is largely complete, but has triggered this post.
> To start over I went to the following link, as a suggested starting point.
> That page makes it seem that using J requires 2 step.
> a)download a system and then follow the install instructions and load J,
> and then
> b) "get a quick overview of the language by selecting menu Studio|Labs, and
> running the first few labs" .
> Those instructions leave a big gap though, because I assume that jqt is not
> automatically installed for many operating systems. If not, between the two
> steps one must install qtide (and maybe pacman). Otherwise, how does
> someone find the "Studio|Labs" menu? It is in the jqt that has not been
> installed, and even there it is buried in the "Help" menu.
> Furthermore, the "Install" instructions are at the following link.
> Within the "Overview" subheading at that link is the following quote, which
> seems to me to be misleading and understated. For example, the phrase,
> "Some include the", would be better replaced with, "Most exclude the almost
> essential".
> "All distributions support Jconsole and JHS. Some include the Qt desktop,
> which can also be installed separately, see Qt IDE."
> Shouldn't it also be stated that without that inclusion (slightly
> different) Labs (and demos) are available differently in other ide's of J
> such as jhs and jconsole.
> So, I am acknowledging that things have gotten quite complicated for a new
> user, and even for a vet like me, to install J on a desktop computer. The
> versatility  of J has created quite a complex installation that needs to be
> reviewed or discussed, in my opinion.
> --
> (B=)
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