> I've added a minimal mailing list page and a team page and added links
> to Jakarta's "Get Involved" section and the Apache License. I've also
> changed the "Get Involved" label to "Community" but have no strong
> feeling about it.

Your choices make sense to me, thanks.

> The result can be seen at <http://cvs.apache.org/~bodewig/gump/site/>.
> With this, I think that we have all necessary content together to make
> gump.apache.org our official home page, or is anything else missing?

Nope, I agree.

BTW: The mail page links to and refers to Jakarta. If that was intended, for
now, fine.

I think the new site is a fine transition page, migrating to TLP from
Jakarta, and as such I'm happy with it. I would like to see us considerd new
content, news, perhaps reference to Peas-n-Carrots, perhaps a logo contets,
and maybe (eventually) so vision/roadmap stuff. Al lthis can wait though,
IMHO, as we cleanup jakarta/gump & redirect.

> One thing I'd change before putting the site life: I'd obfuscate the
> pmc mailing list address and de-obfuscate the subscribe/unsubscribe
> links.  So far setting Forrest's <obfuscate-mail-links> to true has
> been doing exactly the opposite of what I intended for this site 8-).

I saw a bug report go in for this area, perhaps from your comments (I don't
know.) Have you asked the forrest team directly? Nicola (the only forrester
I'm aware of here) is swamped right now. If we can't get it fixed, do we
have a workaround?



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