----- Original Message ----- 
From: "robert burrell donkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gump code and data" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2004 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] retire java gump

> On 19 Jun 2004, at 22:49, Sebastian Bazley wrote:
> > The -1 was primarily intended to ensure that there would be continuing
> > access to redistributable build outputs, which none of the Python Gump
> > installations seem to offer at present. I'm not a -1 once that has been
> > addressed; I just want to ensure continuity.
> am i right in thinking that by 'redistributable build outputs' you mean
> the jar's etc that result from running gump?


> IIRC there are some issues about allowing the artifacts created by gump
> to be distributed from ASF machines. i think that the board is of the
> opinion that only releases approved by a pmc can be distributed.

Surely these are not "releases"?
Or does it mean that the only software that can be distributed is a release
approved by a PMC?

> if this is the case, then i'd say that the -1 is probably invalid. if

> the output can't be redistribute directly then the presence or absence
> of this feature shouldn't be an issue.

But the point is that Gump does not only run on ASF machines.

> i do agree that it would be good to make available distributions
> created by gump but this may need to happen offshore. one approach
> would be to ask ibiblio if they were willing to host unofficial daily
> builds of ASF products created offshore. we'd then need to find a
> volunteer willing to run an unofficial gump on a spare machine and push
> the results to ibiblio. only when these measure were in place would the
> ability to push the gump results to ibiblio be necessary.

I take your point, but until Python Gump supports redistributable jars,
hosting Gump offshore cannot happen with Python Gump.


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