I've got no problem with removing Barcode4J from Gump. It is a
nice-to-have but I can live without it. Go ahead.

On 30.10.2004 19:55:21 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> there are a few projects that gump builds that are not ASF projects and 
> are not used by any ASF project. I think the ASF already has enough 
> things to build for ourselves and gump is not a public service.
> I personally think that it is abusive for comitters to use their access 
> to add projects that are not required.
> Examples of such projects are Barcode4j, Antworks, Smartfrog, but I'm 
> sure I can found more (and, in fact, I'll write some code to outline 
> those and automate the checks).
> I propose that we remove those projects from the gump.xml profile that 
> is ran on brutus (we can keep the descriptors there, that doesn't hurt) 
> but I would like to remove all those "leaves" projects from using 
> cpu/disk space.

Jeremias Maerki

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