On 1/4/06, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dan Diephouse wrote:
> > Martin Cooper wrote:
> > > Personally, I would prefer that the ASF not accept _any_ AJAX
> > > framework at this point in time. The area is relatively new
> > > and in a great deal of flux right now, and "crowning" one of
> > > them with the ASF brand will create a de facto standard instead
> > > of letting the market decide, whether we like it or not.
> > I am confused - why can't there be multiple ajax projects at somepoint?
> No reason.  Martin expressed his personal view.  Personally, I disagree
> with
> his view.  I don't believe that the ASF should be a place for "crowning"
> staid and mature projects.  I would like to see continued innovation here,
> too.

I agree with you. Unfortunately, from what I've seen from looking at Zimbra,
it's more like the first generation way of doing DHTML  frameworks. I'd
prefer not to have that become the de facto standard, and have the ASF
innovate in the wide open playing field of the next generation frameworks
that are out there now. Yes - let's innovate!

AJAX is an interesting area, with potential impact for Portals, WS, MyFaces,
> and elsewhere.  Last Fall, we had someone wanting to contribute a
> JavaScript
> version of LOG4J, and nowhere to go.  An AJAX project would have provided
> a
> natural home.

It might have provided a sponsoring PMC, but it's not at all obvious that it
would have provided a natural home. Just because they're both written in
JavaScript doesn't mean they have any more in common than that. Jakarta for
JavaScript? ;-)

But yes, AJAX, or more generally, DHTML, is definitely an interesting area.
In addition to the projects you mention above, Struts, Tapestry, Cocoon and
Jakarta Commons are all working in this area (and all of those are looking
at, or already using, next-generation AJAX frameworks).

Martin Cooper

        --- Noel
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