Santiago Gala wrote:

> > > - publishing lots of repositories helps surfacing patches that are
> > >   currently hidden until ready for sending/committing
> > The last one is almost antithetical to how we want people to work.
> Can you elaborate on how is publishing what currently is hidden
> "antithetical to how we want people to work"? I think that getting a
> clear idea on this is important, as I always thought the ASF was about
> transparency and not keeping information hidden.

Let us clarify, then.  I am saying that developers doing extensive work in 
their own repositories, and periodically merging bulk changes to the communal 
repository is antithetical to how we want people to work, which is to be 
working in the shared repository, on a frequent and fine-grained manner, even 
if in different branches.

> > > The inability of subversion to remember merged results makes working in
> > > a branch unpractical. Been there, done that, very tricky.
> > Raise any technical issues with the Subversion folks.
> huh? why?

Because you are attempting to raise a technical issue regarding our source 
control system, and they are the ones who would best respond to it.

> > This is the wrong forum.  What we've said here is that there won't be any
> > deviation from the ASF infrastructure for source control; changing ASF
> > infrastructure is out of scope for the Incubator.

> I already tried to move the discussion to [EMAIL PROTECTED], where I
> think it belongs, but people insists on answering here.

I understand, but that still doesn't make it an issue for the Incubator.

        --- Noel

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