On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Noel J. Bergman <n...@devtech.com> wrote:
> What happened?

It's all in the archives, but a quick recap.

For Subversion, an Incubator PMC member who was never involved in the
SVN community jumped in the middle of a committer vote to vote -1.
Greg wrote a cranky email telling him to go away.  Most of the
committers in SVN were taken aback by the behavior.  "Who is this
person? Why do they get to vote -1? "

For OODT, we voted on a committer - but forgot to do the
"pre-acknowledgement" and Chris got taken out to the woodshed by some
members because we sent the "ack" *after* the vote.  Chris didn't go
cranky, but I would have.  (I was in the middle of moving when that
happened - even then I threw away a few cranky emails...)

> And given that Subversion clearly (should have) had more
> than 3 PMC members, how did it impact?

Even after graduation, in Subversion, Greg has had to constantly
reinforce that the Subversion PMC gets to make the decisions in the
project and stop looking for others to set policy - as that's the
(false) precedent set by the Incubator.  The behavior of the Incubator
PMC can set a bad tone - and those of us mentoring have often had to
take proactive efforts to undo the damage.  -- justin

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