On 11/1/12 4:08 PM, "Alexei Fedotov" <alexei.fedo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for explaining, I finally got Carol's point on installer.
> I still cannot fully understand the licensing. I have checked that
> installer/src/com/adobe/utils/IntUtil.as (which is mentioned in LICENSE
> file as Adobe licensed) contains Apache license header.
After more digging, I think the issue is that IntUtil.as shouldn't have an
Apache header.  It comes from external projects under Modified BSD.  Then I
think it would make sense to have the Adobe/BSD license in the LICENSE file?

> Why do you need any additional attributions for Apache licensed file?
After more digging, I think this is here because these are binary files
that, while under Apache license, are not sourced from a.o, so technically,
third-party.  It isn't clear from here [5] that if it is under Apache it
doesn't have to be called out in the LICENSE file.
> BTW, file paths are incorrect in the LICENSE file.
Agreed. But not critical?

[5] http://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#required-third-party-notices

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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