On Mon, 1 Apr 2019 at 05:15, Ross Gardler <rgard...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Just like so many things, this is how it used to be. In fact, back in the day 
> the only time the IPMC was asked to vote was when there were not enough 
> mentor votes.
> If you look at all the podlinga I've mentored I have only ever asked for an 
> IPMC vote on two occasions (that I recall). One because I had absent mentors 
> (the project never graduated due to lack of success as a community) and one 
> because it was a very large and complex code base and we asked for extra eyes 
> on the first release.
> Every other time the community worked with mentors. Once we had the votes we 
> notified the IPMC that the vote had passed and moved on.
> Requiring an IPMC vote is akin to the board voting on all TLP releases. It 
> should be stopped. The IPMC are facilitators not gate keepers.

I'm not sure that is a correct analogy.

IMO the Incubator is the PMC for all its podlings.

I think it's more akin to Commons where each component tends to be
worked on by a few developers, but the whole PMC participates in

> Individual IPMC members can join the podling communities if they wish to 
> participate. Why are podlings and mentors answering to the IPMC by default?
> I know the standard answer is because mentors sometimes get too busy. Sure. 
> If it happens every release is a problem and having to ask for an IPMC vote 
> highlights the problem.
> I realize this proposal does not go this far, I'm +0 for the proposal as a 
> step in the right direction, but it doesn't go far enough in my opinion.
> Ross
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> ________________________________
> From: Craig Russell <apache....@gmail.com>
> Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2019 8:30:35 PM
> To: Incubator
> Subject: [DISCUSS] Mentors SHOULD vote on podling releases prior to asking 
> IPMC to vote
> This is a proposal to recommend that all Mentors SHOULD vote on podling 
> releases prior to sending the release for a vote to the IPMC.
> This is not a MUST, since there are many good reasons why a mentor might be 
> unable to perform the checks needed to vote. We are volunteers after all.
> But if this proposal is adopted, it will minimize the occurrences of a 
> podling desperately asking for someone, anyone, on the IPMC to please vote.
> It should also minimize the number of podling releases that are shot down in 
> the full IPMC vote because of something that a Mentor is likely to catch.
> Thanks for your consideration,
> Craig
> Craig L Russell
> c...@apache.org
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