On Sun, 8 Jan 2023 at 15:59, Vladimir Sitnikov <sitnikov.vladi...@gmail.com>

> See https://dev.to/kspeakman/elm-019-broke-us--khn ,
> https://discourse.elm-lang.org/t/native-code-in-0-19/826

Yes, this did happen... but I would also qualify it by adding that it
should have been very clear that the kernel interfaces are not public APIs
and should not have been relied upon. Warnings about this were given in
advance and ignored. It was certainly clear to me, and I have succesfully
upgraded code through Elm 0.17, to 0.18 to 0.19 - there has even always
been a nice `elm-upgrade` tool to help with some of the drudge work.

We should also infer from the 0.18 version number and conventions of
semantic versioning that 0.19 did not have to be backwards compatible. But
in the same light, production work based on 0.19 is taking the exact same

Quite often the Elm community asks for the current 0.19.1 version to simply
be re-published as 1.0.0. The quality of it is easily good enough to be a
version 1, and there community is large enough and contains more than
sufficient talent to maintain a version 1.

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