Ted Husted wrote:
> On 2/7/2001 at 12:09 AM Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> > That's exactly what I am trying to say. I know I can't propose.
> You or I can't call for a vote of the PMC * on * a proposal, but
> absolutely anyone can submit a proposal for a subproject.

Ok.  I read it that one of the duties of the PMC membership was to
propose new projects.  My approach was to badger and lobby Jon and Craig
(two PMC members that I have interacted with on other issues).

> As David Weinrich mentioned, a good place to start is any package named
> "util" in any of the Jakarta or Apache products. This could generate a
> list of candidates, leading to a package heirarchy. The committers on
> existing subprojects could be polled to see if anyone is interested in
> creating and mainitaining such a set of Platform Tools. If so, the
> proposal could then put this together and outline what might be in the
> first release of the product, and who would be doing the work.


I am usually of the 'start small and iterate' mindset, so I would think
a really good connection pool would be an *excellent* start.  Choose
another tool as well so that the notion of the project as a multi-tool
kit can be established from the beginning (ex. documentation and a
multi-jar distribution), but keep the deliverables list small, to what
people are making noise about.

Connection pool, connection pool, connection pool.


Geir Magnusson Jr.                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Velocity : it's not just a good idea. It should be the law.

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