"Geir Magnusson Jr." wrote:

> You might think then that each partition could manage it's own issues,
> like the projects do.  

So given 

< http://www.mail-archive.com/general@jakarta.apache.org/msg00154.html >

are we on the same page, Geir?

Basically, I just want to nest everything we do for Jakarta subprojects
into Library subproducts. (But then I may have spent too many years
wired to a Pascal compiler ;-)

> I don't know what kind of process management
> rules one could have to ensure API stability other than responsibility
> to the users.  I mean, with Tomcat 4, nothing really guarantees that you
> won't abandon Servlet 2.3 for the Wiggly Green Spec from Planet Mongo,
> but I trust that you will stick to your 'mission'... :)

The idea is that when a subproject is proposed, it will also define it's
scope, or charter. The scope of the Tomcat subproject is to provide a
reference implementation for the Sun Servlet and JSP specifications. If
the committers did go insane and adopt another API, the subproject could
be cancelled. 

And the ASF Chairman has alluded to doing just that with Ant. But that's
another problem. 

I would imagine that we would do the same with our library subproducts.
If the datasource team started building JDBC drivers, we'd have to ask
if they were still within scope, or whether we needed another subproduct
for that codebase.


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