Hear hear!  I think that Taglibs is an excellent model
for a library-oriented subproject.  Here are some
features of Taglibs (some overlap with Craig's
comments) that I think would translate quite well:

  * individual landing pages for each taglib
    (essentially sub-subprojects)
  * standardized documentation formats in most
  * clearly defined divisions between tag 
    libraries in the CVS repository
  * "courteous" interaction between taglib 
    developers (i.e., I don't muck about with
    your taglib without asking)
  * lots of user interaction on the dev list
    esp. concerning release candidates (which
    neutrilizes maverick developer
    syndrome and reduces the necessary number
    of committers)
  * reasonable scope boundaries (e.g. the JDBC
    taglib doesn't do database pooling, that's
    what utility libraries are for!)
  * it's fun to work on!

Although I'm not interested in being a committer on
any of the other proposed library sub-subprojects at
this time, I'd be happy to help out with the "Library
Infrastructure" sub-subproject, if the goal is a
Taglibs-like organization for the project and the

- Morgan

--- "Craig R. McClanahan"
> "Geir Magnusson Jr." wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > If someone chooses to duplicate a piece of code,
> maybe the problem is with
> > > the way the code is written and shared.
> >
> > I think in some cases, its bacause people aren't
> aware that the stuff
> > exists.  Go through the Jakarta project sites, and
> find the number of
> > places that offer a separate, clean <FOO> tool
> that supports <BAR>.
> > (Choose your tool and it's expected
> functionality).
> >
> One small proto-model of "shared code" code
> components already exists within the
> Jakarta community, and might serve as a starting
> point for discussions -- the
> Jakarta Taglibs project, which is focused on
> creating reuseable JSP custom tag
> libraries.  The encouraged sharing is in this case
> at the end developer's
> application level, rather than within the Jakarta
> community itself, but some
> practices we created there might be useful models to
> look at.
> Basically, developers on Taglibs agree to the
> following conventions and
> policies:
> * No particular concern about overlaps of
> functionality -
>   different applications care about different
> features and
>   might appreciate alternative approaches.
> * Committers essentially take ownership of the
> pieces
>   they care about, and agree to offer at least some
> level
>   of ongoing support.
> * Organize their tag library directories according
> to standard
>   conventions (source, example app, documentation)
> and
>   package naming hierarchies that quickly become
> familiar
>   to library users.
> * Construct semi-autonomous releases of individual
> tag libraries,
>   plus a convenient way to go grab them all.  Formal
> versioning
>   hasn't been an issue yet because the whole thing
> is pretty new,
>   but that will need to be addressed.
> * Make information (essentially, the documenation
> associated
>   with each tag library) available online and
> accessible.  Having
>   one or more <FOO> modules in a shared library
> doesn't help
>   any more than the current situation, if I don't
> know about them
>   or cannot find anything out about them.
> It would seem reasonable to adopt some set of
> conventions like this for the
> sorts of code modules we're discussing here.  That
> way, people whose itch is
> creating shareable modules have a place to showcase
> their wares, and people who
> would rather reuse than write have a place to
> "shop".
> As long as you avoid a rule that there will be only
> one kind of <FOO> in the
> library, that should avoid most of the potential
> conflict issues.
> In order to make this work, someone(s) needs to step
> up and organize the basic
> infrastructure, but after that it can be fairly
> self-sustaining.  (And maybe Sam
> can extend Gump to see which individual modules are
> being used in which projects
> -- having your shared code selected by some other
> project is a pretty good vote
> on it's quality, plus an indication of who you
> should talk to before changing
> APIs ;-).
> >
> > geir
> >
> Craig
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Morgan Delagrange

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