> Seriously speaking - I am very concerned with the content of the library -
> I have a feeling that some people would like one book for each subject. I
> think that would be a very big step backwards.
> My hope is that the "library" project will be organized in a way that
> allows multiple "books" in each collection.


My own hope is that each component be treated like a book, with it's own
publication date, edition count, and set of authors and editors. 

I would also hope that this subproject might eventually serve as a model
for * another * project yet to come, that would work more like a
Braughtigan library -- all donations accepted. 

But, family first.

For this branch, we probably need a relevance criteria -- that the
component is something that * could be * shared among other ASF
subprojects. Though, I would think whether a product actually uses a
component, or whether products use different flavors of similar
components, is something the subproject committers have to decide for

We can lead the subprojects to water, but we can't make them drink. 

And if getting them to drink means providing more than one trough, then
so be it!


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