"Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The thing that started this, about the coding guidelines, was in
> response to the addition of the Sun coding guidelines (rules...) - I was
> just indicating my preference.

Of course, but it is important to be able to accept and tolerate different
styles of coding. I think the Sun standard is a reasonable standard, but
eveyrbody do things a little differently. That is why _guidelines_ and not
rules is the proper term. This is how you want people to submit their
contributions - but you don't want to apply some fascistic rule saying that
all code that don't apply to this rule will be rejected. If the code you
get is readable and of high quality that should speak for itself.

Geir - this is not to take it out on you, but I've been pretty
annoyed/frustrated with people trying to specify to much. Better keep it
simple - I have no problem reading code in different styles and I usually
keep to the style of the author if I have to modify some code. Tolerance
and respect for cultural richness is what I advocate. Opening braces on the
same or next line - it is still code - black or white - you're
still a human being. 

mine kroner, 


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