Hi Gunnar!

Gunnar R|nning wrote:
> Of course, but it is important to be able to accept and tolerate different
> styles of coding. I think the Sun standard is a reasonable standard, but
> eveyrbody do things a little differently. That is why _guidelines_ and not
> rules is the proper term. This is how you want people to submit their
> contributions - but you don't want to apply some fascistic rule saying that
> all code that don't apply to this rule will be rejected. If the code you
> get is readable and of high quality that should speak for itself.

As you know, there are things which are enforceable (like variable names
in lowerCase and classes in UpperCase) and things which depend on
preference, like the opening brace. I don't mind it, because any good
tool can reformat code according to your likings.

Still, it's fun to talk about preferences -- and I'm happy to see that
Geir and others like symmetrical braces, since the other way is so

> Geir - this is not to take it out on you, but I've been pretty
> annoyed/frustrated with people trying to specify to much. Better keep it
> simple - I have no problem reading code in different styles and I usually
> keep to the style of the author if I have to modify some code. Tolerance
> and respect for cultural richness is what I advocate. Opening braces on the
> same or next line - it is still code - black or white - you're
> still a human being.

I'd say it's like accents: when you hear someone talking in a definite
accent, you guess something about his procedence. Likewise, when I see
that some guy writes

if (foo)

then I can imagine the kind of coder he is: usually quick&dirty. Careful
people always enclose a block in braces.

But we're still talking the same language, and can understand each

Un saludo,


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