Sorry, my previous note was incomplete. I've been bitten by Eudora's CTRL-E syndorome.

At 22:12 14.03.2001 -0800, Jon Stevens wrote:

>java Test input.txt
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
><b>Ceki Gülcü</b> (ceki at
><br />
>Ceki is the founder of the
>log4j project. Time permitting, he also does
>custom development for clients.
>See <a href=""></a> for more info.
>As you can see, Ceki's name is correctly shown. The weird thing is that if I
>take the file and load it in my browser, the weird characters show up for
>the "u"'s, not the correct ones...

Could we look at the file produced by "java Test input.txt" as a binary? Could it be 
that your OS (not the JVM) is screwing things up? Cheers, Ceki

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