On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Ceki Gülcü wrote:

| At 22:21 17.10.2001 +0200, Endre Stølsvik wrote:
| >On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Ceki Gulcu wrote:
| >
| >| > As a coder, I've mentioned before, he's apparently very good. And his
| >| > observations and whatnot are also _insightful_, but nothing more.
| >| >   Why not just package things just a little bit nicer? Or just whatever?
| >| > Be a bit more polite? Be, you know, nice to people? Especially to people
| >| > he even doesn't know..
| >|
| >| I rather relate to a person who is direct than someone who always
| >| appears to be nice.
| >
| >Jon's last post is just so very much better. Why not start with something
| >like that? It's still pretty direct, but in a much nicer, somewhat
| >diplomatic way.
| >
| >I just cannot understand how you can justify such extreme rudeness!?
| What extreme rudeness? Jon justifiably told Ranjit Mathew that Jakarta
| was not a dumping ground.

Well, I actually replied to the whole post, just quoting his first line,
which indeed was rude. The whole "attitude" in that mail was hostile and
ugly, "LOL"ing at the guys roduct.

| He also outlined that unlikely promises were not good enough. While
| one may criticize his direct style, Jakarta is not a popularity
| contest.

Right. I definately gotten that. I've always regarded you as a
"wellbalanced" person, seeing things in an objective way. How would you
like to get Jon all over you when you came here with your log4j?

| On the other hand, how do you qualify calling Jon an asshole? Unless you were
| referring to the usefulness of that body part in evacuating shit, your name calling
| constitutes extreme rudeness in itself.  Your subsequent comments were not
| much better either.

Well, I tried at least to a bit more explainatory there. But I guess my
own rudeness shined through anyways...

| The only one being rude in this forum is you. Ceki

Right. Jon's a nice, happy, soft, unrude dude. Me, on the other hand, is
really an asshole.

I feel that the Jakarta's acceptance policy is totally fuzzy, accepting
way to much if you ask me. But that doesn't justify rudeness towards
"newish" people on the list. I just don't care much more, but getting such
emails hurled against you when you for the first time is inquiring about
whether a open source living ground would like to accept your project is
not fair. Again.

Have lots of fun.


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