At 22:21 17.10.2001 +0200, Endre Stĝlsvik wrote:
>On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Ceki Gulcu wrote:
>| > As a coder, I've mentioned before, he's apparently very good. And his
>| > observations and whatnot are also _insightful_, but nothing more.
>| >   Why not just package things just a little bit nicer? Or just whatever?
>| > Be a bit more polite? Be, you know, nice to people? Especially to people
>| > he even doesn't know..
>| I rather relate to a person who is direct than someone who always
>| appears to be nice.
>Jon's last post is just so very much better. Why not start with something
>like that? It's still pretty direct, but in a much nicer, somewhat
>diplomatic way.
>I just cannot understand how you can justify such extreme rudeness!?

What extreme rudeness? Jon justifiably told Ranjit Mathew that Jakarta 
was not a dumping ground. He also outlined that unlikely promises were not 
good enough. While one may criticize his direct style, Jakarta is not a
popularity contest.

On the other hand, how do you qualify calling Jon an asshole? Unless you were
referring to the usefulness of that body part in evacuating shit, your name calling
constitutes extreme rudeness in itself.  Your subsequent comments were not 
much better either.

>| > Jon is not doing Apache any good being like he is. I sincerly hope there
>| > isn't any "suits" watching this list at all, because that could ruin
>| > much..
>| If you are trying to start a lynch party, you are unlikely to find
>| many suitors in this forum.
>I'm not. It's trying to point something out to Jon, actually. But he
>definately does have a load of followers in this forum, protecting his 5
>years earned rights to be rude. But I do know that there is several other
>people that feel about the same way about Jon's behaviour on the lists he
>subscribes to as me, tough. Just read the lists!

The only one being rude in this forum is you. Ceki

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