At 06:57 04.01.2002 -0500, you wrote:
>On 1/4/02 6:43 AM, "Ceki Gülcü" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wed, 02 Jan 2002 06:03:43 -0800, Sam Ruby wrote:
>>> If some particular codebase under the Jakarta umbrella consistently
>>> chose to take actions which were inconsistent with the Apache mission,
>>> then I'm confident that the PMC would swiftly act to disolve this code
>>> base.  I am not aware of this being done before, so it would be
>>> uncharted territory, but I'm sure we would find a way.  And that way
>>> would not require 100% consensus.
>>> In my mind, the willful insertion of newlines in direct contradiction
>>> to the "Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language" does not
>>> rise to this level.
>> This analysis sums up the current state of affairs. As long as you are
>> in and do not commit murder, you are free to do whatever you like,
>> regardless of the consequences of your actions. Murder is defined as
>> not adopting or infringing on the Apache Software License.
>> Is this how we want Jakarta to be? If not, what can be done?
>I don't see what the negative consequences for community are when I do
>something like
> if ( condition )
> { 
>    statement;
> }
> if ( condition ) {
>    statement;
> }
>  if ( condition )
>      statement;
>Other than I made my code is more readable :)
>My question is what are the consequences to forcing me to do #2 when #1 is
>perfectly acceptable throughout the professional world?  We are going to
>look like a bunch of PHB's if we do this.  Someone's is then going to write
>the utility JU (Jakarta Uglifier).
>I realize that some of this is simply a matter of taste, and people don't
>think that #1 above is more readable than #2. I'm just trying to figure out
>why this personal style decision in what is in many ways an artistic
>endevour constitutes a risk to the community.  Note that I don't advocate a
>coding free for all - I also understand that with multiple developers, some
>'workmanlike' ('workpersonlike'?) standards are important.

All excellent points. I don't have any good answers, just more

Yes, by imposing strict code conventions there is a real danger of
acting like a PHB.  Yes, code conventions infringe on artistic freedom
and might even curtail creativity.

The debate about code conventions is just an excuse to ask the
following question, and it is a question:

  Do we want to instate rules for the good of the larger community?

We keep saying that Jakarta is not SourceForge. How can this be if
each project can act totally independently? 

>Aside : does Sun use deviation from coding standards as an actionable HR
>issue?  ;)
>"On your resume, I see that you were terminated for cause at Sun?"
>"Yes, I created too many classes with the opening brace on a separate

Remember the scene where Lisa, from the Simpons, is thrown out of
music class even of she plays her sax beautifully. We all emphasize
with Lisa's view. However, what would you do if you were in the
teacher's shoes?

Questions, questions...

Ceki Gülcü -

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