At 08:01 04.01.2002 -0500, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
>> The debate about code conventions is just an excuse to ask the
>> following question, and it is a question:
>> Do we want to instate rules for the good of the larger community?
>I think yes, but the prepositional phrase "for the good of the larger
>community" is going to be the trouble spot...  Historically always has :)
>> We keep saying that Jakarta is not SourceForge. How can this be if
>> each project can act totally independently?
>Because they really can't act *totally* independently, additional projects
>can't be formed (and abandoned) ad hoc by 'outsiders', there is indeed peer
>pressure (as well mechanical things like Gump) that enforce some
>consistency, and lots of cross pollenation.  I mean, Jon is everywhere ;)
>>From my personal experience, I do think of it as one big community but
>different 'departments'.  I talk to people from many of the subprojects when
>I need something or have a question, and I certainly feel welcome and like
>it's one big group.

That's a good description.

>Another thought I have on this is that we are sort of like sourdough bread
>made with a starter :)  We add new projects, but it's (usually) initiated,
>championed and/or participated in by someone steeped in the Apache/Jakarta
>'gestalt', so the traditions and practices continue.

The reasons for which projects get accepted or rejected is an important 
subject in itself.

>> Remember the scene where Lisa, from the Simpons, is thrown out of
>> music class even of she plays her sax beautifully. We all emphasize
>> with Lisa's view. However, what would you do if you were in the
>> teacher's shoes?
>(I thought you were going to the scene : "Lisa, get away from that Jazz
>man!" )

Oh, yes, then she (Maggie) turns to the to the Jazz man and says: 

"Nothing personal, I just fear the unfamiliar."

How true, how succinct.

>Well, that's the difference between the teacher having to do something about
>it, and Principal Skinner listening in over the intercom and getting Lisa to
>leave....  Within the community, the community is the teacher, and can
>legislate itself (modulo Principal Skinner, of course...)

Amusingly enough that episode starts with Bart writing on the chalkboard:

I will not instigate revolution! I will not instigate revolution!
I will not instigate revolution! I will not instigate revolution!
I will not instigate revolution! I will not instigate revolution!
I will not instigate revolution! I will not instigate revolution!
I will not instigate revolution! I will not instigate revolution!
I will not instigate revolution! I will not instigate revolution!
I will not instigate revolution! I will not instigate revolution!
I will not instigate revolution! I will not instigate revolution!

Regards, Bart.

Ceki Gülcü -

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