on 1/7/02 10:51 AM, "Sam Ruby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jon Scott Stevens wrote:
>> As far as I'm concerned, all Gump shows us is that projects have managed to
>> quit breaking each others interfaces. Gump shows us that documents such as
>> this:
>>  <http://jakarta.apache.org/turbine/common/deprecation.html>
>> ...have had an effect on people's mentalities. Those are not my issues with
>> Jakarta at this point.
> My perception is the other way around.  Documents like that were routinely
> ignored (sound familiar?) until somebody(*) took initiative to find an
> effective way to bring these issues to everybody's attention.  I do have
> all of the published logs archived, and can provide copious examples to
> back up my belief.

There were no documents like that before I wrote it.

Just like there was no nag.pl before I came up with the idea to implement

If anything, you initially resisted nag.pl. One way I know this is because
as the PMC Chair, you refused make it a requirement of projects to have it
enabled. Instead, you relied on social pressures to work their magic. This
actually extended the amount of time it took for people to adopt Gump and
raise its awareness. It also caused quite a bit of pain (as you say below)
as projects had votes against it.

> I also see this as the path to resolving a number of related issues.  For
> example, find or create a style checker tool.  I'll gladly run it nightly
> against all Jakarta code bases and publish the results.  And one by one
> convince each project that it is their best interest for me to nag them on
> it.
> Not everybody realizes it, but getting people to accept nagging on cross
> project dependency failures was an uphill battle.  At least one subproject
> even had a vote on it.

Exactly. I feel that this lack of semblance of control from the top has
actually hurt us. Looking at the success of other projects which have more
control at the top makes me realize this. Jakarta to me is now a complete
anarchy where people can do whatever they want without having to worry about
consequences over the long term.


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