on 2002.1.30 4:15 PM, "Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My only issue and I guess this is directed more at you Jon, is it
> doesn't give me a clear idea about "what we want".  Can you give me a
> good idea and I'll be glad to submit a patch to that effect.  It just
> seems like we should be asking for something and being specific.
> -Andy

That is a very good point. However, privately, Sun knows exactly what we

There is still some stuff that goes on behind the scenes around here that
unfortunately isn't exposed. Needless to say, discussions about opening some
of that up (including posting what we want to the public site) are going on

This is fun.

p.s. The spec lead for JSR107 had a nice response to my complaints about the
license issues for that JSR. It went something like this:

> As for the license, I can find no mention of Oracle requesting any money
> for anything.  I seriously doubt if this license is significantly
> different than licenses for JSP's sponsored by other companies.

Uh. Yea. Whatever dude.


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