on 2/5/02 5:16 PM, "Kevin A. Burton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK... when you get SUN to Open Source Java you can walk around with your head
> high...  Until then any effort that contributes to this is a Good Thing in my
> book.

Kevin, I know this is hard for you to believe, but I know for a fact that
some of your previous efforts actually had a seriously negative impact on
Sun's decision to eventually open source Java. For example, the license poll
that you did a while back actually made a huge mess behind the scenes.

I'm not saying that things I have done have been perfect and neither is
Stefano's track record. But honestly, Stefano has done a hell of a lot more
with regards to getting Sun to open source *anything* than you have.

Don't forget, he was involved with the discussions that eventually led to
the formation of the Jakarta Project as well as Tomcat, Watchdog and Ant
being made available. The same thing can be said about the XML.apache.org

What have you done? As far as I can tell, you created the mess called
Jetspeed which you disappeared on and abandoned and you have spouted your
mouth off around here for the last couple years without actually
contributing anything. Hmmm...that isn't something worth putting on the
resume, now is it?

> One person would look bad.  1000 people out from of Moscone would ge a good
> thing.

No, it wouldn't really make a difference. The Sun execs would simply laugh
and enjoy all the press...

"Hey look at all those angry developers! They must really love Java! Cool!
That will get us some fun press!"

> It is one of the efforts that sent Dmitry back to Russia ...

Don't forget that the company that he worked for still has a lawsuit against
them. As far as I can tell, he is only back in Russia because the lawmakers
realized that keeping him in jail was a waste of our taxpayers money.

> My point was that a lot of just spend a lot of time arguing about this stuff
> and don't try to correct anything in "the real world".

However, the way that you have been going about things doesn't help anyone
or anything. Please try a new approach.



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