> - Audience and "Marketing":
> Specifically, it is directed towards users, who hope to find
> something useful for their own projects. (Those users may turn
> into contributors over time!)

It takes too much effort to support a user base for a project
that changes rapidly (ie any 'alpha' status code). Hence these
parts are not advertised very well. It should stay that way.

> I cannot understand why Leo and Ceki refer to the document (and,
> by implication, others like it) as "Marketing" - a term which 
> carries in this context clearly condescending connotations.

as dion said. When a project you are working on very hard for
a long time is listed as "immature" or something like that, it
is very hard to find the right wording for a response.

> - Users vs Developers

again, I personally distinguish between alpha, beta and final
releases. You only offer "support" (answers to mailing list
questions) for released products.

> - Personal Assessment and Maintenance:
> In terms of maintenance: Once everything is set up, this should
> not take too much effort (just updates of revision numbers and
> release dates, really). I think I also hinted (cough) that I
> might be willing to help with that (to the degree that I have
> available resources, of course) provided that maintaining such
> an overview document at all is solidly supported by the community.

as we say: documentation is always welcome!

> Now what? 
> =========
> The "News" section has also disappeared - I consider
> that a bit sad: I think some measure for the activity of the
> project would be helpful, but there may be better ways to determine
> it. I would have thought that the date of the most recent release 
> would not be considered a "subjective judgement".

it's simply not a good indicator. FA, almost nothing happens
over at Avalon Framework, but it gets more releases than the
way more busy other Avalon parts because it is, well, released.

> Should we:
> - collect suggestions to improve the initial draft so that the 
>   majority here considers it a good thing to have and develop it
>   further along those line?
> - leave it as is?
> - drop it altogether?
> - replace it with something altogether different?

it should, -- after consent by others here -- be merged with the
current overview on the front page. That's imho, of course.


- Leo Simons

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