At 14:47 22.03.2002 -0800, you wrote:

>- Audience and "Marketing":
>The document is directed towards people who may not be familiar
>with all the projects that exist under the Jakarta umbrella.
>Specifically, it is directed towards users, who hope to find
>something useful for their own projects. (Those users may turn
>into contributors over time!)
>I cannot understand why Leo and Ceki refer to the document (and,
>by implication, others like it) as "Marketing" - a term which
>carries in this context clearly condescending connotations.
>I don't think documentation is marketing - and what I tried to
>provide is simply documentation, not different in principle
>than Javadoc, only at a higher level.

I realize that you spent considerable amount of time editing
the document. I appreciate the effort. I assure you that there is
no condescension on my part, at least not intentional.

The introduction in your email came through as "here is the
solution to all Jakarta's problems." I have a hard time accepting
that as being the truth.

>It is also simply not true, as Ceki believes, that "everybody
>knows Jakarta": from the inside it may be hard to conceive how
>large and confusing the entire Jakarta project can appear to
>the outsider.

The Jakarta brand is very well known. What is less known are the
individual Jakarta subprojects, in particular their relation with each
other.  I doubt the overview document will solve that conundrum.

As I said in my previous comments, I do not have a problem with the
contents of the document per se but the sprit in which it was
presented. IMO, it would have been preferable to work with each
individual subproject rather than start a new body of work but that was
not my decision to make.

Are you willing to continue maintaining it? Make sure that it is
comprehensive, consistent and up to date? What will happen when you
grow tired of it?

Nothing is preventing you from continuing to work on the
overview.  If you persist, my -1 will be withdrawn or overridden. What
is certain is that the overview is yet another brick on of the edifice
of Jakarta.

>Philipp K. Janert, Ph.D.                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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