> I do that because I believe standards are essential - even if 
> 'simpler' pet-solutions exist. Standards are the only way to 
> get people to work togheter -  and DocBook, HTML, XSLT are
> the standards.


Being you quite a brilliant guy, I don't understand two troubles
you seem to have:

 1) Getting too upset about what Jon says (Jon says a lot of crap);

 2) Blindly accepting a standard just because someone says it is
    a standard.

A standard only stands if you accept it. Example: almost no one
really knows anymore what the Standard Pascal programming 
language was. Most people that know Pascal, know Turbo-Pascal or
(now) Delphi.

In the last 10 years, most commercial Pascal compilers claimed 
to be Turbo Pascal compatible and not ISO or ANSI or whatever is
the Pascal standard's name.

These are the standards that matter: those chosen by their 
users an not by some committee.

XSLT as a template mechanism is a piece of crap. I tried several
alternatives and I got better productivity with a much smoother 
learning curve with almost all of them.

The point is that someone should not have to be a rocket 
scientist just to build a damn template. Since designers...
 - Generally (all I know) hate XSLT and love Velocity;
 - Are completely dependent on me with XSLT but are almost 
   completely independent maintaining Velocity templates;
 - Are much better designing web pages than me...

... and since Velocity can do all that is needed with a fraction
of the trouble one gets from XSLT, there must be something wrong
with this XSLT standard.

Maybe XSLT is good for something else. Not HTML templates.

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 9:27 PM
> To: Jon Scott Stevens
> ...
> I do that because I believe standards are essential - even if 
> 'simpler' pet-solutions exist. Standards are the only way to 
> get people to work togheter -  and DocBook, HTML, XSLT are
> the standards.
> ...
> Costin

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