
Perhas a better idea would be to get some space on main website where people 
could advertise that they supply support for various Jakarta projects or 
whatever. That way people have a central location to go to get info on 
commercial support and all that. Theres a whole bunch of people that do 
support/contract/consulting on jakarta stuff and it could end up extremely 
noisy if done on list.

I would prefer that general remain about community/organisational/etc issues 
across the whole jakarta project. Keep noise signal to noise ratio as high as 
we can I say. 

On Mon, 13 May 2002 22:48, Jeff Turner wrote:
> > > Perhaps we should just adopt a simple subject line convention, [ADV]
> > > for adverts, to go with [ANN] for announcements.
> >
> > I've noticed too that the annoumcement list stuff gets CCd to other
> > lists.
> >
> > How about having all content sent to that list be automatically CCd to
> > general lists with [ANN]?
> To spell out this idea: any mail that gets sent to announcements@jakarta
> is forwarded to general@ with "[ANN]" prepended to it's subject
> (possibly stripping any existing [ANN] variants).
> That's kinda nice. In addition to munging the subject line, it could add
> an X-Jakarta-Announce: or X-Jakarta-Advert: header, which people could
> filter on.
> All assuming that people *want* Jakarta-related adverts and
> announcements on general@. I get the impression that some do, a few
> don't, and most don't care.
> --Jeff
> > This way if one wants only announcements, he can subscribe to that list,
> > while other users get the ANN topics automatically.
> >
> > This could be done also with an [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, and [ADV] as
> > Jeff suggests.
> > Another result of this is having separate mail history for these lists.
> >
> > --
> > Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >             - verba volant, scripta manent -
> >    (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)


Peter Donald

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