On 8/10/02 1:13, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And to resurface the old issue, this is so much worse than
> #if (..)
> #end
> in Velocity...?

I believe that Andy doesn't quite know what "templates" are ! :-) Dude,
we're not talking about the beauty of XML around here, but stuff that
Macromedia DreamWeaver can parse and (somehow) render! :-)

Definitely "templating" is not an elegant approach, but it works. At least
Tea and Velocity are not "compiled" straight into Java Code (therefore
killing all HTMLers who thought they can "code" in Java, but in fact only
producing tons of OutOfMemoryExceptions).

More than "separation of concerns" using something better compared to JSP is
a headache wonder (go and try to figure out where an OutOfMemoryException
comes from, just to discover that in one of your 5000 JSPs you have an idiot
playing around with Sessions, or why your database is hosed, and find out
that some other lame creep is forgetting to call "connection.close()"...

JSPs are the "root of all evil" because HTMLers think to have the power (and
obligation, after a while) to blatantly destroy your entire container in
less than 2 minutes of uptime... To that respect, even ASP are better...


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