On 7/11/03 12:36 PM, "Santiago Gala" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Robert Simpson escribió:
> David Taylor has already anwered WRT code.
> I was thinking mostly about having a "pool" of people who can translate
> and are more or less "cross project". For instance, I can translate
> English to Spanish, and I'm a committer in Jetspeed, but I could also
> translate, say, parts of the tomcat documents that I'm reading, or some
> XML stuff I'm interested into. Or even docs for Apache modules.

Now you're talking!

> The good part is that it would help the whole community, both WRT
> translation efforts and WRT crosspollination, as these kind of people
> will "see" beyond their small project(s). Also, it oculd bring new kinds
> of developers (Today I heard in the radio, coming home, that 72% od
> people in Spain cannot speak *any* foreign language. We are a bad sample
> but in most of Europe, less than 50% people speaks English.)


> The problem is that I can't see clearly how to implement such a
> crosscutting service/project, in ways that would not be difficult to
> impossible to manage. Specially since we should keep source control on
> both the original doc and the translations in sync.

We're trying to do this on POI, we just have a shortage of people.  We've
already got the source organization.  Anyone who wants to help translate
will be given commit access pretty quickly.
> Any ideas?
> Regards


Andrew C. Oliver
Custom enhancements and Commercial Implementation for Jakarta POI

For Java and Excel, Got POI?

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