Hi Brian,

Thanks for responding. 

My idea is to build a cost-effective, easy-to-use and scalable EAI framework
which can be used to integrate various applications across an enterprise.
There are a couple of motivating factors for developing such a framework:
1. There is a huge demand for reliable EAI Tools.
2. The current tools in the market such as Tibco, Webmethods, Extricity, etc
are very costly.
3. Working on these tools need specialized training.
4. Provide too many features which are rarely used but add up to make the
system complicated.
5. Lack Transparency to their back-end process handling.
6. These tools are built on proprietary protocols.

The salient features of our system will be:
1. The system will try to minimize the above stated issues.
2. Will address most of the user required features.
3. Will be highly scaleable and will be based on standard protocols.
4. Will have a distributed architecture making the system lightweight hence
will not require High end machines as other tools do.

Kindly guide me through the formalities involved in submitting the proposal.

Thanks and best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian McCallister [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 6:09 PM
To: Jakarta General List
Subject: Re: A free Java data analysis tool?


The idea is for new projects to enter through the Incubator ( 
http://incubator.apache.org/ ). The basic process is defined to be

1) Submit proposal
2) Discuss proposal
3) Incubator PMC votes on proposal
4) Incubation begins or doesn't based on vote
5) Incubation Exits or Aborts (depending on whether the community is 
there or not)
6) Profit!

The process seen to be in practice so far is that an initial project 
code base and community is built up somewhere (SourceForge, BEA, self 
hosted, etc) and the developers on that project prepare a proposal for 
the Incubator (with a working codebase and community already in 

As an Apache project is supposed to be more defined by the community of 
developers than the code (see codehaus for a more code-centric 
foundation) with the idea that a strong group of developers who care 
about the project will produce good projects (compared to good code and 
uncommitted developers who tend to walk away from the project when they 
get bored -- with no replacements stepping up from the larger 

So, step one - what is your idea? EAI is a big field and a good 
open-source solution is a good thing.


On Tuesday, October 14, 2003, at 11:39 PM, Jasmeet Sachdeva, Gurgaon 

> Hi All,
> I am new to this list and this community process. I have a proposal of
> starting a new subproject on EAI. I had sent a mail to  the 
> administrator
> asking the process but didn't get a reply.
> Can anybody help.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Jasmeet Singh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jordi Salvat i Alabart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 4:59 AM
> To: Jakarta General List
> Subject: Re: A free Java data analysis tool?
> Frankly, at this point I'm more concerned about end-user needs than
> specific features like the ones you mention.
> Input data could be XML or CSV -- but we could accomodate and have
> JMeter produce something else, or have a transformation step.
> As I said, it's mostly working with multiple sets of timed samples. 
> That
> is: JMeter runs a load test script against (say) a web app, and 
> produces
> one timed sample for each request, containing essentially the sampling
> time and request/response time interval (latency). We could view the 
> set
> of samples we've obtained for each page as a separate sample set.
> Without much thought:
> - Creating a sample set from the union of several other sets.
> - Displaying the samples in a latency vs. time graph, possibly 
> combining
> multiple sample sets in the same graph.
> - Grouping samples in a set by time intervals (minutes or hours) and
> displaying averages and standard deviations and/or certain percentiles,
> max and min. Again, possibly combining multiple sample sets in the same
> graph. Which kind of graph(s) is not important, as far as they are
> sufficiently readable.
> - With the same grouping as above, compute the throughput rate (samples
> per time interval) and display it in that same graph.
> - With the same data as above, show a latency vs. throughput graph
> (instead of the latency & throughput vs. time I described before). A
> fitting curve would be nice, but it's not a must.
> Zooming and scrolling could be necessary in the time axis, since tests
> can span very long periods of time and, sometimes, the period may be
> interesting.
> Note that we already have part of this (rather ugly, but essentially
> working) in JMeter. We could continue to develop it that way. I was
> thinking about using something more generic to allow users to play with
> their data and look at it from different angles. Also because we may be
> adding other measurements in the near future (CPU load on the different
> servers, memory usage, Garbage Collection events, network load, etc...
> -- plus others we already have such as the response size) and
> pre-defining all the possibly interesting graphs and views is
> nonsensical, IMO.
> -- 
> Salut,
> Jordi.
> J.Pietschmann wrote:
>> Jordi Salvat i Alabart wrote:
>>> I was actually looking for something readily available we could
>>> "partner" with -- rather than develop it ourselves.
>> Hm, could you give a more detailed list of features you expect?
>> E.g.:
>> - input data structure and format (is it a file?)
>> - what statistics? fitting curves? clustering? calculating
>>  medians, standard derivations, quantiles, rankings? test
>>  for abnormal data?
>> - what nice graphs? lines, bars, different markers, candles, 3D?
>> - just plot or do user interaction: zoom in etc?
>> J.Pietschmann
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