On Monday, November 10, 2003, at 05:00 PM, Vic Cekvenich wrote:

I repeat:

Geir, are you supporting his actions, the ethics in here, denying what that developer is saying, ie: that is not his code? I know my code when I see it. What part are you supporting, all of it?

Vic - take a deep breath.

The ASF treats the allegations of code copying very seriously, and will take what actions are necessary to ensure that no IP rights are violated, any offending code, if found, is removed, and any other appropriate action is taken.

However, you must allow the alleged violations to be vetted - just as you wouldn't take the ASF's word that all was fine w/o explanation, you shouldn't take JBoss claim of violation at face value either. Examine the code - look for yourself. Do you really think that the Geronimo developers would think they could steal JBoss code and get away with it? Do you think that studly contributors to Geronimo need to steal such visionary innovations like :

public boolean getStatus() {
   return status;

(or whatever the class field name is...)

Many of the claims by JBoss appear to me to be specious. Deriving a class from log4j? The example given by JBoss is a *log4j example* that both groups used as a basis for their logger. (Hey, Ceki! Can we have trace???) Using 'Interceptor' for the name of a class that's an interceptor? Using IDEA-generated getters/setters for POJO fields? It's hard to imagine that any of this stuff will stand up to rational scrutiny.

-Stein is the one that railroaded this project on the lists, a chairman. It is easy to trace messages that lead us to this.

He didn't "railroad" anything. Many people support it, and much activity and work has gone into it.

-Durign his "rule", ASF brand was embarased. What does it mean, ASF developer now?


-Using ASF funds for this is a shame and a waste.

What funds?

I woud like for my profession to be ethical, the people that steal should not be in here amongs us, but where other people that steal are. What if a consultant you hire steals?

He can resign and get some nice "award"or, be voted out, together with other people the think stealing is OK. ASF money/resources is better spent putting people in Jail that do this to any other OSS project, and making sure they can't ever work in this industry.

Like lets say in China, they get the Coca-Cola recepie, and then they start selling Red-Cola... but it tastes the same beacuse it has the same recepie? Is this OK? You are not going to say, well lets see what they can legaly prove and what the lawyers say and then lets some time pass.


No need to go find montivation that got us here, let's just go back to before Geroniomo. Time in Las Vegas can be better spent. No need to play games.


Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

(and I call on Greg Stein to stay put...)


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