robert burrell donkin wrote:

> On 4 Dec 2003, at 22:35, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> <snip>
>> From a Jakarta PMC perspective, I think that we should cease to support
>> Sub-sub-projects with the exception of commons.*
> i think that it depends on what's meant by sub-sub-projects :)
> i'm happy for a single sub-project to create many different products
> (by this i mean stuff it releases). so, component repositories like
> jakarta-commons are fine by me. (some people describe these products as
> sub-sub-projects.)
> but i think that each sub-project should only have one list of
> committers (though for reasons of security, if a sub-project has more
> than one repository, karma for a repository may be given out only on
> request) and one development mailing list. so i'd like to prohibit any
> sub-sub-projects like jakarta-turbine-JCS.

Or even better - since jakarta has a single PMC, it could also have a single
list of committers ( most of them in the single PMC ). 

Each PMC member can vote about any jakarta issue - including releases of
each sub-project, etc. If the distinction between pmc and committer is
fading,  then I don't see why do we have to worry about separate karma.

A start could be to have every PMC member have karma in every subproject. 


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