On Tue, 27 Dec 2005, Yoav Shapira wrote:


An FYI. Please kick me if I'm going too far with these ideas; I get the
feeling I have a general +0, but hard to tell sometimes.

Not going too far: these are good ideas IMHO.

My aim for Jakarta is to either promote subprojects to TLP or flatten them
Jakarta Commons, leading to a non-umbrella Jakarta (I know, you didn't think
you'd see it in your lifetime). This new Jakarta would have the potential to
serve two roles:

1) Place for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to share conversation [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2) Place for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to share code [Jakarta Commons]

Why Jakarta Commons and not just Jakarta?  I thought either move to a
TLP or be a normal jakarta project as the two options, essentially
making Jakarta itself a Commons of sorts.

At first I was thinking that we should be doing a full fold. The downside of that is that we have two very strong brands, Jakarta and Commons, and it'd suck to have to throw one of them away. The spec and conversation ideas came about at ApacheCon and apart from their advantages in driving the Apache community to the common meeting-place, they allow us to keep both brands.

Jakarta - name of project
Jakarta General - name of common conversation
Jakarta Commons - name of common code [with accompanying mail lists]
Jakarta Spec [maybe] - if we choose to differentiate from commons

Storing the spec source there would be good for everyone I think; it would
bring people to Jakarta to share code and conversation, and the Commons
community would make good stewards for the code if the various owners

We need to keep in mind that commit access to specific spec modules
may be restricted in a manner slightly different than the usual
Jakarta way, e.g. to only members of the relevant Expert Group.  (For
example, not all Tomcat committers can modify jakarta-servletapi-5).

Good point. We'd probably want to have a Jakarta Spec and a Jakarta Commons differentiation then.

Some other pluses are that it would help be a part of an attempt to
Jakarta in 2006 (as a kind of federation) and that non-JCP specs could be
stored there too.

Nice.  Some OASIS stuff comes to mind.

Yup. It's one of important selling points I think; Jakarta is neutral ground for much of Apache I think, so it's a good place to bring these kind of things together.

Otherwise we're trying to create independent locations [jcp.apache.org, oasis.apache.org], or trying to create some new kind of common meeting place.


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