On 1/17/07, Henning Schmiedehausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So how about biting the bullet and installing one of the well
established and obviously easier tools:

* Cruise Control (http://cruisecontrol.sourceforge.net/)

Just downloaded this the other day to sit and play with. When last I
looked at it I disregarded it because it insisted on a source only
distribution and its source wouldn't build on OS X.

They had a new release recently and a binary, so I'm aiming to give that a shot.

* anthill (https://www.anthillpro.com/html/products/anthillos/)

I've always leaned away from free versions that had commercial
superset versions (crippleware). They just changed to a more JIRA like

* Luntbuild (http://luntbuild.javaforge.com/)

Not looked at this in a while (since it was much more recent), but
it's another crippleware. My gut instinct on such things is that while
that'd be fine for half a dozen subprojects within a project, we're
going to find ourselves wanting many of the 'enterprise' features if
we were to scope.

While I appreciate that we do have a ASL licensed CI product, the
arguments "it is too complicated to set up" and "it is better to have
none than having not-Continuum" don't work well with me.

Neither were my arguments. Actually my biggest +ve for Continuum is
that it is very easy to setup.

Reasons against Continuum are:

* Maven were going to run a Continuum on vmbuild and decided not to
due to the machine - so I'm not going to dive in trying to do the
same. There's discusion ongoing to get a machine with more cpu spare.

* I think it's easy to write a specific CI script and hard to write a
generic CI tool. Plus I'm not very bought off on the "gui so you can
do a build 'now!'" bits.

Phil's quick script, and Craig's before that, have been fine in
Commons - but we're going to start needing a visual representation one
of these days and that starts to send you into the CI product world.
We still build everything each day - which would be a hog if we kept
on adding things. However a condition of conditional on-svn-update
builds is that you have to start representing your state - it's more
than just "Last night".


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