On May 12, 2011, at 3:23 PM, Smiley, David W. wrote:

> Hi.
> I haven't commented yet but I've absolutely been following this soap opera.  
> I'm referring to all related threads and JIRA discussions, not just this 
> thread.
> I think the current state of logging only #lucene-dev is good.

Yeah, except no one is on it other than a few people even though many of them 
(committers that is) are on #lucene

>  I go to #lucene-dev now. I think only IRC channel(s) that are Lucene/Solr 
> internal development in nature need to be logged -- and that's just 
> #lucene-dev. So just because you have observed many developers are on #lucene 
> instead of #lucene-dev doesn't indicate a problem, so long as no design 
> decisions for Lucene/Solr take place on #lucene or #solr.  #lucene and #solr 
> is where users get to ask questions, much like how it is on the user mailing 
> lists.  So *if* (I don't know if it happens) internal Lucene / Solr design 
> decisions are taking place on #lucene or #solr then obviously that must stop. 
> I'd rather these channels not get logged so that we can have an expectation 
> of a single place for these discussions on IRC and have that place be clear 
> of user support questions.
> RE refactoring / modularization, it's good to finally see a sense of 
> agreement on how to move forward.
> ~ David Smiley
> On May 12, 2011, at 2:36 PM, Grant Ingersoll wrote:
>> I'm not trying to be a pest here, but this conversation and this report is 
>> hugely important to the future of this Lucene PMC.  So far, I see a sum 
>> total of 4 PMC members out of 20+ total PMC members weighing in here, as 
>> well as a few other community members, on proactive things to do to move 
>> forward.
>> Are you all really in lazy consensus with what has been said so far? (hint: 
>> lazy consensus is not a good idea here, so, if you are in consensus, at 
>> least speak up and say so)  Do you have other suggestions?  The Board 
>> Meeting is on the 19th and this report needs to be filled at least 2 days 
>> prior to that.   Claims of thread fatigue, I am sure, are not going to go 
>> over well with the Board, so I suggest all PMC Members (as well as others) 
>> take some time to think about how to contribute to this report.
>> As it stands now, we have the following concrete suggestions:
>> 1. Log IRC -- from the looks of #lucene-dev, it appears that people have not 
>> migrated to the new logged version.  To me, we really should just hook up 
>> the logger to #lucene and forget #lucene-dev ever existed.  We should also 
>> put a note that the room is being logged.  I am beginning to be of the 
>> mindset that any design/dev conversation that is not logged on IRC is the 
>> equivalent of a private conversation.
>> 2. Rotate the Chair -- I would propose that this Report is my last official 
>> one and that the next Board meeting contains a resolution changing the chair.
>> 3. Put in the automated patch checking system that Hadoop uses.  Volunteers? 
>>  Perhaps we can knock this out at Lucene Revolution?
>> 4. Write up lessons learned by all on commit/revert and scratching/itches 
>> and make sure newcomers and old timers alike understand how it works.
>> 5. I gather, via lazy consensus from the other thread, that we are in 
>> agreement on refactoring and we have a way forward.
>> 6. Discourage private emails, phone calls, etc. as they relate to the 
>> project.  I personally am starting to think that if there is wind of this 
>> happening more that it is not at all unreasonable to remove commit bits.
>> -Grant
>> On May 7, 2011, at 6:47 AM, Michael McCandless wrote:
>>> +1
>>> Mike
>>> http://blog.mikemccandless.com
>>> On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 6:41 AM, Simon Willnauer
>>> <simon.willna...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 9:52 AM, Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I've seen several people note that "IRC is not logged". Fine. LOG IT.
>>>>> I see absolutely no reason for you guys not to set up logging for the
>>>>> channel that you use. We do this for Subversion development:
>>>>> http://colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/svn-dev
>>>>> If IRC is posing so much of a problem, then just log it. I saw a
>>>>> comment about civility on the channel. Well... if it is logged, then
>>>>> you may see that fixed. Discussions can then be referenced when it is
>>>>> brought to the dev list. And people can always refer back to the log
>>>>> to read about the nuances around some particular discussion.
>>>>> Seems to be a simple solution to me.
>>>> huge +1! IRC is so powerful we should not put it down just because we
>>>> don't log the channel.
>>>> We already have a logged channel #lucene-dev and its logged here
>>>> http://colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/lucene-dev
>>>> having tech discussion there should be ok I think and for major
>>>> decisions we can still send a mail to dev@l.a.o referencing the
>>>> discussion. I think we all have the discipline to do that right?
>>>> I am moving there now... we should also eventually add this channel to
>>>> the website and maybe mark #lucene as the user channel?
>>>> Simon
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> -g
>>>>> On Fri, May 06, 2011 at 10:17:07PM +0300, Shai Erera wrote:
>>>>>> bq. shall I say required reading?
>>>>>> You should ! If only so that people don't miss that great article :)
>>>>>> On IRC, I agree with Grant (and partly w/ Mike). IMO, we should scale 
>>>>>> down
>>>>>> the amount of discussion on IRC. While there are several advantages to 
>>>>>> IRC
>>>>>> (faster response time, easier to hash things out etc.), I think there are
>>>>>> several drawbacks:
>>>>>> * As Grant mentioned, TimeZone -- IRC makes it hard for people to follow
>>>>>> discussions that happened while they were asleep
>>>>>> * IRC is not logged
>>>>>> * Even trying to follow discussions on IRC, the nature of the UI 
>>>>>> sometimes
>>>>>> makes it too hard. Many times I've seen two and more discussions happen
>>>>>> simultaneously, and the way the UI is constructed, they're all mixed with
>>>>>> each other. This is not so with email threads.
>>>>>> * I myself have too many communication mediums I need to follow today: my
>>>>>> job's email and messaging system, Gmail (Lucene and other mailing lists, 
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> well as private stuff), phone, people stopping by for questions .. IRC 
>>>>>> is a
>>>>>> very busy and demanding channel. You're kinda expected to respond
>>>>>> immediately (which is why, I think, it's easier to hash things out -- the
>>>>>> response time is instantaneous). If you only want to follow, you must 
>>>>>> stay
>>>>>> tuned to it. If I turn on "flash the taskbar for new messages", it 
>>>>>> drives me
>>>>>> crazy. If I turn it off, I miss important discussions ... it's impossible
>>>>>> :).
>>>>>> With emails, I can prioritize things. At least, Gmail helps to some 
>>>>>> extent.
>>>>>> That that we now receive all JIRA emails under one thread is a great
>>>>>> progress too.
>>>>>> With emails, I can always go back when I have time, and re-read the
>>>>>> discussion. I can respond to it 2 days after the last email, and people 
>>>>>> will
>>>>>> immediately know what I respond about, because we can include quoted 
>>>>>> text.
>>>>>> And if people's memory is very bad, they can (at least in Gmail) scan
>>>>>> quickly previous messages. Hack ... I can do that 1 month after the email
>>>>>> was sent, and most people will be able to quickly pick up from where we
>>>>>> left. This is not so with IRC ...
>>>>>> * Getting in the middle of a discussion is practically impossible on 
>>>>>> IRC. I
>>>>>> have nothing to read for reference (unless I had my IRC client open and I
>>>>>> turned on the 'logging' feature).
>>>>>> * Is it really that easier to hash things out on IRC? I mean, the 
>>>>>> response
>>>>>> time is great, so you get answers really quick. But then, there are 
>>>>>> usually
>>>>>> only a handful of participants in that discussion, which makes hashing 
>>>>>> out
>>>>>> and agreeing much easier anyway. If the same group of people (usually 
>>>>>> <=3)
>>>>>> communicated in email, they'd hash things out in almost the same speed.
>>>>>> After all, IRC mandates they are all awake at the same time, so they 
>>>>>> could
>>>>>> also email each other in NRT :).
>>>>>> * Imagine this discussion happening on IRC. Most of us would have been 
>>>>>> able
>>>>>> to pick only shards of it. At some point, maybe Grant or another PMC 
>>>>>> member
>>>>>> would 'summarize' the discussion to the list. The summary could be "we've
>>>>>> decided to not use IRC because email is better", followed by some points
>>>>>> he's able to pull back from his memory and maybe IRC log. Would *you*
>>>>>> (people reading this growing-by-the-minute note) want to get a summary 
>>>>>> like
>>>>>> that? Would you be satisfied?
>>>>>> I think that most of us wouldn't and all that would happen is that such
>>>>>> email would start its own thread, repeating mostly what have been said on
>>>>>> IRC, b/c people would want answers ...
>>>>>> I'm not against IRC, don't get me wrong. I think it's useful b/c the
>>>>>> turnaround time is great. But we should not have so many discussions 
>>>>>> there,
>>>>>> as we do today. I don't know where to draw the line. I trust the great
>>>>>> people of this community to know when it's better to discuss something in
>>>>>> email. An example, if a new feature is being discussed, then it's ok if 
>>>>>> two
>>>>>> people want to hash few things out quickly, before they send a detailed 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> organized proposal to the list -- the details to hash out are the initial
>>>>>> proposal's details. The rest should be followed on list, even if it means
>>>>>> slightly slower response time.
>>>>>> Today's list and JIRA volume always look to me like the response time is
>>>>>> instantaneous. We have very active people from around the globe, so you 
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> a high chance receiving response in no time. In the worse case, it will 
>>>>>> take
>>>>>> a couple of hours, but I don't remember when did that happen (which is an
>>>>>> amazing thing !)
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Shai
>>>>>> On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 8:35 PM, Grant Ingersoll <gsing...@apache.org> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> More reading (shall I say required reading?).  Benson does a good job of
>>>>>>> explaining some of the concepts around consensus and why we also should 
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>> primarily using mailing lists:
>>>>>>> https://blogs.apache.org/comdev/entry/how_apache_projects_use_consensus
>>>>>>> -Grant
>>>>>>> On May 5, 2011, at 10:10 AM, Grant Ingersoll wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'd like to throw out another idea:
>>>>>>>> I think we should standardize on rotating the PMC Chair every year.  I
>>>>>>> think to date, there have been two Chairs:  Doug and me.  Back when Doug
>>>>>>> left, no one wanted to do it (both Hoss and I said we would if no one 
>>>>>>> else
>>>>>>> wanted to) and so I took it on.  For the most part, it's a thankless 
>>>>>>> task of
>>>>>>> herding cats (albeit low volume, thankfully), despite the important 
>>>>>>> sounding
>>>>>>> name that marketing types love.  I would like us to share the burden 
>>>>>>> across
>>>>>>> the PMC by rotating it on an annual basis.  Many other ASF projects do
>>>>>>> exactly this and I think it removes any political pressure.  Have I 
>>>>>>> sold it
>>>>>>> enough? ;-)  Besides, I just know others are dying to file board 
>>>>>>> reports on
>>>>>>> a quarterly basis!
>>>>>>>> More inline below...
>>>>>>>> On May 5, 2011, at 8:27 AM, Michael McCandless wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 6:40 PM, Grant Ingersoll <gsing...@apache.org>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> 2. I think we need to prioritize getting patch contributors more
>>>>>>> feedback sooner.  I think some of this can be automated much like what
>>>>>>> Hadoop has done.  This should help identify new committers sooner and
>>>>>>> encourage them to keep contributing.
>>>>>>>>> Big +1.  We should be using automation everywhere we can.
>>>>>>>>> But, really, we (as all projects do) need more devs.  Growing the
>>>>>>>>> community should be job #1 of all committers.
>>>>>>>> Agreed, but this dovetails w/ the use of IRC.  I realize live collab is
>>>>>>> nice, but it discourages those who aren't "in the know" about the 
>>>>>>> channel
>>>>>>> being used from ever contributing.    Say, for instance, I'm interested 
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> DWPT (DocWriterPerThread), how am I supposed to know that at 8 am EDT 
>>>>>>> on May
>>>>>>> 5th (made up example), three of the committers are going to be talking 
>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>> it on IRC?  If there is email about it, then I can participate.  
>>>>>>> Nothing we
>>>>>>> do is so important that it can't wait a few hours or a day, besides the
>>>>>>> fact, that email is damn near instantaneous these days anyway.
>>>>>>>> Also, keep in mind that until about a year ago, most everything was 
>>>>>>>> done
>>>>>>> on the mailing list and I think we progressed just fine.  Since then, 
>>>>>>> dev@has almost completely dried up in terms of discussions (factoring 
>>>>>>> out JIRA
>>>>>>> mails which have picked up -- which is good) and the large majority of
>>>>>>> discussion takes place on IRC.  I agree, however, we should have the IRC
>>>>>>> discussion on another thread.
>>>>>>>>>> So, what other ideas do people have?  I'll leave this thread open 
>>>>>>>>>> for a
>>>>>>> week or so and then add what we think are good things to
>>>>>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/board-reports/2011/special-board-report-may.txt
>>>>>>>  The board meeting is on May 19th.  I plan on attending.
>>>>>>>>> How about also "PMC members will be more proactive in tackling issues
>>>>>>>>> that erode the community?  I think this would start with a thread on
>>>>>>>>> general@.  We need to get in the habit of discussing even tiny
>>>>>>>>> elephants as soon as they appear, somehow.
>>>>>>>> Yeah, I agree.  The hard part for me, is I often feel like people on 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> outside make big deals about this stuff and don't get that even having 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> discussion is a very healthy sign.  Besides the fact, that no one likes
>>>>>>> confrontation and uncomfortable topics.  We also, I think, are all 
>>>>>>> tired of
>>>>>>> endless debates that go on and on w/ no resolution.  It's one of the big
>>>>>>> downsides (and, of course, upsides) to consensus based open source as
>>>>>>> opposed to the dictatorial approach.
>>>>>>>>> Here's an example: "Is Lucid abusing their too-strong influence over
>>>>>>>>> Lucene/Solr"?  It's a great question, and I personally feel the answer
>>>>>>>>> today is "no", but nevertheless we should be able to discuss it and
>>>>>>>>> similar could-be-controversial topics.
>>>>>>>> I hopefully would agree we are good stewards of the fact that we 
>>>>>>>> employ a
>>>>>>> good number of committers (but not nearly all the active ones), but I 
>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>> some disagree.  I do, however, think that the recent spat shows that we 
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> Lucid are still free to speak our minds when it comes to open source, as
>>>>>>> clearly not all Lucid employees agree on the issue and were pretty 
>>>>>>> outspoken
>>>>>>> about it.  I firmly believe we baked this into the company from Day 1 
>>>>>>> and I
>>>>>>> consider it one of our best strengths, but of course, most can't see 
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> from the outside.  Does that mean we are perfect?  Of course not, but I
>>>>>>> think we try to follow the ASF guidelines and show up as individuals.  I
>>>>>>> also know we work pretty hard to mind the ASF TM policy, etc. (just ask 
>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>> marketing folks how much I remind them.)  I think we all realize that 
>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>> would be no such thing as Lucid if it weren't for the ASF and for
>>>>>>> Lucene/Solr, so why would we want to hurt that?
>>>>>>>> The fact is, every single committer here and a good number of
>>>>>>> contributors are paid to work on Lucene all day, (most) every day or 
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> some other financial stake (i.e. via a book, consulting biz, etc.)  Any 
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> us could be accused of only acting in our own financial interest.  At 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> end of the day, I like to think that instead, the cool thing is we all 
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> a great opportunity to have our financial interests aligned with a great
>>>>>>> project that we like to work on.
>>>>>>>> For the record, we have pretty diverse PMC and committer base.  As I 
>>>>>>>> said
>>>>>>> in our Dec. 2010 Board Report, we are comprised of:
>>>>>>>> "[a] total to 17 PMC members from 12 different
>>>>>>>> companies, spanning the globe. The flagship Lucene/Solr
>>>>>>>> has 26 total committers from 20 different companies, again
>>>>>>>> spanning the globe."
>>>>>>>> The only one that has changed since then is Robert has joined Lucid.
>>>>>>> Now, one can argue that some of those members from other companies are 
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> active, but that isn't Lucid's fault.  ASF development has always been 
>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>> those who do the work and we do a fair amount of that.  Those who are 
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> active, should, ideally, leave on their own by stating they wish to go
>>>>>>> Emeritus.  Beyond that, we have a pretty standard policy that inactive
>>>>>>> people are removed after 1 year of no activity.  That has been the case
>>>>>>> since I joined Lucene way back when and I think makes sense.

Grant Ingersoll
Lucene & Solr User Conference
May 25-26, San Francisco

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