On Sat, 2005-04-02 at 13:09 +0200, Christian Parpart wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd be interested in whether someone has got this running.
> I know, valgrind is *NOT* supporting this yet. But it is 
> (theoretically) possible to create a 32bit-chroot environment
> and run it inside. However, Mine is always crashing (for any reason :(
> Has anyone more luck with it?

After looking at what the folks at valgrind are doing, 3.0 will support
amd64. Unfortunately, they only branched off for 3.0 at the end of last
month, so I doubt they've made much progress yet. They're thinking it'll
take about four months to finish it (the amd64 support, not necessarily
all of 3.0:)

So, if you can wait a few months, you can have real amd64 support:) Or
if you feel brave, you can follow the svn trunk (though they come right
out and say that amd64 is pretty much useless at this point, you could
contribute some bug reports and help them out) and maybe get it sooner.


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