On Sunday 10 April 2005 8:34 pm, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 20:27:03 +0200 Christian Parpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | Both have pros and cons. Well, the ASF has everyting converted into a
> | single  repository and they seem to be just lucky with it. KDE is
> | about to convert  everything into a single svn repos as well (for
> | other reasons). For the Gentoo projects, it might make sense
> | (administrative) to keep  everything into a single repository as well.
> | However, providing each sub  project with its own repository will work
> | around the single-point-of-failure  effect (in worst case) so it's
> | likely to happen this way.
> Nothing to do with single points of failure. 

maybe wrong said. I mean, when you break the repos, you break 
everything and the whole development process halts. when you 
break a little repos if a single dev group, you break just 
this one (to be fixed though) and the others will continue w/o
any problems.

> SVN uses transactions and 
> changesets. These make a heck of a lot more sense if they're done on a
> per project basis. 


> Unlike with CVS, this makes a big difference -- SVN 
> revision IDs are actually meaningful, 

SVN repository IDs represent the state of the whole repository at a given 
time, nothing more or less.

> and you don't want to lock every 
> single Gentoo project whilst one person on a slow dialup connection does
> a single transaction to a single project.

as confirmed by svn devs and others, the transaction data is first uploaded to 
the server (with whatever speed the client has) and then performed 
server-side. Though, the time of locking the database depends on the CPU 
load, and not the client's [dialup] speed.

Hmm... besides, the ASF is just having a single repository for all their 
public projects (with about 1000+ contributors) w/o any problems.

Christian Parpart.

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