
Stuart Herbert wrote:
It would be great if emerge --news displayed the same news as www.g.o.

Doesn't make much sense to me. The biggest benefit from --news over other, traditional channels would be that it's linked to the tree, meaning, if you emerge a new kernel version which doesn't contain devfs anymore, the ebuild would call something like enews ${FILESDIR}/blah which would then somehow make emerge mention it. [Implementational detail: Sending it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] too would be very nice.]

I don't see the point in reading a news item telling me that I have to do $foo because package $bar breaks otherwise when I don't have package $bar at all.

On the other side, we already have einfo and friends, which currently are probably the most important channels. The often get ignored because there were no such tools like elog, but that will be fixed soon anyway, and people will probably read the notices again, because they don't just get lost in 50k lines of make output.

Information that doesn't belong to a specific package or a specific version should be sent to gentoo-announce IMO, we really don't need portage to be more than a package manager.

I started this discussion because I've experienced that the percentage
of users who read our existing news outlets isn't high enough to reach
many of them in the first place ;-)

Reading gentoo-announce should be mandatory. If a user breaks his system because he didn't know about an important fact due to his lazyness, that's not our problem. Of course they will still bitch, so let's introduce RESOLVED RTF_ML_.


Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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