Donnie Berkholz posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted below,  on
Sun, 30 Oct 2005 11:03:55 -0800:

> Thierry Carrez wrote:
> | But it's a good idea to have some kind of automatic replication of
> | frontpage announcements to gentoo-announce and the forums, this will
> | help getting important messages through. However, I'm not sure *all*
> | frontpage contents should get replicated to gentoo-announce and the
> | forums. GWN announcements for example do not need to appear elsewhere...
> If they're important enough to be in the primary point of contact with
> anyone looking for information about Gentoo, they ought to be important
> enough for anywhere else.

But there's already a GWN list, which I assume those that want have signed
up for.  Putting them on the announce list as well would therefore be
little more than noise.  That doesn't hold for the other announcements on
the front page, and I've wondered myself why some of them aren't making it
to the announce list.

As for the forums, "I'm familiar with the concept." <g>  I don't spend
enough time in them, however, to comment on that angle.

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