On Tue, 2005-11-01 at 08:56 +0100, Wernfried Haas wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2005 at 06:52:04PM -0500, Dan Meltzer wrote:
> > 1) Why post to forums.g.o if its on www, why would one check forums
> > instead of www.
> Redundancy - to get the attention of those folks that for whatever
> reason visit the forums and not www.gentoo.org in a specific time
> interval. The more places you cover, the more likely people will see it
> somewhere. We've been doing that with GLSAs for quite a while now.


While I agree that we need a single source where users can get their
information, I feel that the *user* should be able to choose their
source.  If that is the gentoo-announce mailing list, or www.gentoo.org,
or the forums, it doesn't matter.  The same information should be

Make them *all* a definitive source.  We don't need to check all of them
if any one of them gives all of the information needed.

As for subscriber counts or whatever, if by adding the information to
gentoo-announce (or the forums or wherever), we reach 10 more users that
we wouldn't have reached before, then I consider it a success.  The idea
is to reach as many users as possible here.  To me, that means
duplicating the information everywhere.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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