On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 07:51:39AM -0500 or thereabouts, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> This is what I don't get.  So what if Gentoo is an amoeba?  Does it
> really matter?  Would you rather that we dropped Gentoo/ALT, Hardened,
> Embedded, and anything else interesting just so we can focus on a "core
> technology" of some sort?  Remember that we are not out to make money.
> We are a not-for-profit for a reason.  We don't have to answer to
> investors and shareholders.

Gentoo will cease to be relevant if we continue as-is.  Maybe not tomorrow
or next month, but within a couple of years, we'll be Just Another
Slackware.  Personally, I don't want that.  If other folks do, then that's

> I welcome you to fork Gentoo to do this.  I'll be glad to assist you in
> any way that I can without giving up my ideas for where I want to take
> my projects within Gentoo.  I respect that you should do the same,
> rather than hijack the distribution as a whole for your own purposes.

"my own purposes" are simply that Gentoo remains relevant.  I think it has
some great ideas and a great core technology.  I'd hate to see for all that
to be relegated to some hobbyist distro that people tinker around on but
nobody takes seriously.

Maybe you have a different vision for Gentoo.  If so, I respect that, but
please don't accuse me of trying to hijack anything.  I expressed an
opinion and you took my words and twisted them against me.  This is a
perfect example of why Gentoo's never going to go anywhere.  We fight too
much amongst ourselves. 


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