On 05-01-2006 17:00:15 +0100, Patrick Lauer wrote:
> So - as GWN monkey - I'm offering my services as aggregator for project
> updates. Maybe someone from the doc project wants to help to get this
> information put on the website so that it's visible?

The following crossed my mind: what about a Developers release of the
GWN?  I see you guys scouring the planet, MLs and whatever more, but not
all information there is user-friendly, or just a 'good idea' to tell
the users about.  I'd really like to see an aggregation of stuff from
all kinds of sources (perhaps even including CVS/SVN commit messages)
put into a monthly (or bi-weekly?) message sent to -dev for instance.
It should just have some headliners for each project team, such that
those who want be a bit aware of what happens in the whole of gentoo can
read it, and take an active role when interested in some more
I'm thinking of quite dull news, so absolutely not meant to be a
publication like GWN, but just thingis like some commits on the portage
sources that say to fix/implement X, a discussion on project ML Y
working on Z.  Also for instance that Flameeyes has been working on
something with "--as-needed"; just what it is, and why, from planet.
Perhaps even a short note that after +-150 commits the tree has been
upgraded to XOrg-7_rc1 or something... that can be useful information,
even though it does look like spam.
This kind of information is all of the type background noise, hence it
dull, but can be very important for those that are open to it.

I would just be interested in such a thing, because I'd like to read
some few lines per month on projects, but not whole MLs and every dev's
Blog.  Of course it's just shifting the problem of not wanting to read
everything to someone else... but IMHO it does improve communication for
those open to read the "Gentoo Developer Notes" (or something like

Just a thought.  No idea whether you really meant to do something like
this.  Would like you to do it though ;)

Fabian Groffen
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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