On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 05:05:21PM +0000, Stephen Bennett wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Oct 2006 17:57:06 +0100
> Jakub Moc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Of course it does... Lots of people can't remove outdated broken cruft
> > because $ebuild still depends on something since $arch has been
> > slacking for months. Lots of people are forced to maintain outdated
> > junk in this way, it's not like it's just sitting there doing nothing.
> Did you even read my mail? We're not asking people to maintain old
> stuff, just to leave it there as is until a newer one can be tested and
> keyworded.

No he didn't, and he probably won't. I've tried to explain this at least
once in #gentoo-qa and he didn't seem to *want+ to understand it.

Maybe we aren't being clear enough...

- ferdy

Fernando J. Pereda Garcimartín
Gentoo Developer (Alpha,net-mail,mutt,git)
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